Bambulab Home Assistant NodeRed Integration Features

A checklist of features that my various bambulabs guides offer for the homeassistant, nodered, mqtt integration.

Note: A1 Series and X1E need testers for full functionalities.

This list will be updated as I release new versions of flows.
Currently, it is updated for:

Basic Flow v2.1.5
Advanced Flow v2.1.5
Bed Mesh Flow(s) v2.1.3 (works again with X1Plus)
X1Plus Flow v2.1.5

Works with X1Plus!

Feature Type Device X1 Series P1 Series A1 Series Required Flow/Guide Note
Fan Speed
(Chamber, Aux, Part cooling fans)
Sensor, Control Printer ? Basic For P1P, if the printer is upgraded to include the extra fans, they will also be controllable. All fans are controllable within 10% increments
Chamber Light Light, Control Printer Basic This is called the Nozzle Light on the A1 Printer
Nozzle Light On/Off Buttons Printer Basic
Logo Light On/Off Buttons Printer Basic
Home Printer Axes Sensor, Button Printer Basic Sensor will tell you which axis are homed (X,Y, and/or Z). Button to start homing process
Door Sensor Sensor Printer Basic Requires future firmware >=
Pause, Resume, Cancel Print Button Printer Basic
Set Bed and Nozzle Temp Number Input Printer Basic
Set Chamber Target Temp Number Input Printer X1E Only
Bed, Nozzle and Chamber Temp Sensor Printer Basic Will show both the current temperature of each sensor, and the target temperature of each. Only X1E has a target for Chamber temp.
Note: For P1P, there will also be a "Frame Temperature" which is to be used instead of Chamber.
Speed Control
(Silent, Standard, Sport, Ludicrous)
Select Dropdown
Printer ✅? ? Basic
Custom Speed Control
Slider/Number Select Printer ✅? ✅? Basic
Clear External Spool Settings Button Printer ?
Unload Filament Button Printer ? ?
AMS RFID Status Sensor Printer ?
AMS Status Sensor Printer ?
Bed Mesh Data Other Printer X1Plus or older FW Bed Mesh Flow(s) Requires X1Plus or OEM firmware
External Spool Loaded Filament Sensor Printer ? Basic The filament type (PLA, ABS, PETG, etc) on external spool
Is Extruded Loaded? Sensor Printer ?
Filament Type In Use Sensor Printer ? Basic The filament type (PLA, ABS, PETG, etc) currently being used in printing and loaded into extruder
Gcode File Sensor Printer ? Basic
Print Option - Prompt Sound Switch Printer Basic Only supported by A1 series firmware
Print Option - Auto Recovery Switch Printer Basic
Print Option - First Layer Inspection Switch Printer Basic No lidar sensor to support it
Print Option - Build Plate Detection Switch Printer ? Basic
Print Option - Nozzle Blob Detection Switch Printer ? ? ? Basic Unreleased feature
Print Option - Air Print Detection Switch Printer ? ? ? Basic Unreleased feature
Print Option - Filament Tangle Detection Switch Printer Basic Only in A1 firmware at the moment
Print Option - Toggle Recording Switch Printer Basic Requires Camera
Print Option - Change Camera Resolutiuon Switch Printer Basic Requires Camera
Print Option - AMS Auto Switch Filament Select Printer Basic Requires at least 1 AMS unit
HMS Error Information Multiple Sensors Printer ? Basic There is a unique sensor for each type of HMS error (Common, Fatal, Info, Serious and Unknown severities) as well as a sum count.
Each one gives a count of number of errors for its severity, and its attributes will list the error message, code, and a link to bambu documentation per error.
Print Error Sensor Printer Basic This sensor provides the top-most level error on the printer, one at a time. These errors usually only exist when a print is stopped due to error. These are equivalent to handy app push notifications and printer menu popup errors.
LAN Camera Sensor, Camera Printer ? Basic, Camera (opt) Sensor if lan liveview is enabled. If true, you can follow the Camera Setup guide to add it to home assistant
Skipped Objects Count Sensor Printer Basic
Current Layer, Total Layers Sensor Printer ? Basic
Plate Name Sensor Printer ? Advanced The current name of the plate being printed
Current Print Cost & Weight Two Sensors Printer Advanced
Plate Type Sensor Printer ? Advanced The plate type (hot_plate, cool_plate, textured_plate etc) that was last on the printer for its last print
Print Sensor Printer ? Basic Metadata about the print job at hand (not too useful)
Print Action Sensor Printer ? Basic Current Print Action
Print Start Time, End Time,
Remaining Time, Start Epoch
Multiple Sensors Printer ? Basic Several helpful timestamps and time duration sensors about the current print
Print Preview Image Printer ? Advanced The generated 3d model preview (thumbnail image) of the current plate being printed
Print Progress % Sensor Printer ? Basic
Print Status, Printer Status Sensor Printer ? Basic Current status of the printer's print jobs (IDLE, OFFLINE, FINISH, FAILED, PAUSE, PREPARE, etc), and printer status (online, offline, idle, etc)
Queue Information Sensor(s) Printer ? Basic I still don't know wtf this is
Stage Sensor Printer ? Basic Current stage of a print job (very useful for automations)
Subtask Sensor Printer ? Basic This is the current file / print name being printed
Task Id Sensor Printer ? Basic Task Id of the print
Camera Resolution Select Dropdown Printer ? Basic Select the camera resolution of the built-in camera. Only active if printer has a camera installed.
Force Updating of Sensors Button Printer Basic Force sensors to try updating / refreshing
Toggle Recording Toggle Printer ? Basic Toggle full-video print recording on or off
AMS Count Sensor Printer ? Basic Number of connected AMS units
Aux Fan Installed Sensor Printer ? Basic If the Aux Fan is installed/detected
Network Connection Sensor Printer ? Basic Is the printer connection Wireless or Wired (only X1E has wired possibility)
Firmware Type Sensor Printer ? Basic Is the printer on engineering firmware or product release firmware
Connection Type Sensor Printer ? Basic Is the printer hooked up to the cloud or fully in LAN mode
Device Dev Name Sensor Printer ? Basic Original Device Name from SSDP
Hardware Version Sensor Printer ? Basic
Firmware Statuses Sensor(s) Printer Basic Requires Firmware released after
IP Address Sensor Printer ? Basic Resolved IP address from SSDP
IPCam Sensor Printer ? Basic Is the IPCam active, and other metadata in attributes
Is 220 Voltage? Sensor Printer ? Basic Is the printer running on 220 voltage?
Machine Name Sensor Printer Basic Provided/Configured Machine Name
Model Sensor Printer Basic Provided/Configured Model
MQTT Connection Type Sensor Printer Basic Are my flows setup to use LAN MQTT or Cloud MQTT servers?
Nozzle Diameter Sensor Printer ? Basic The currently set nozzle diameter on the printer. Note: This is what you SET on the printer.
The printer cannot detect it if you physically change the nozzle, but do not change it in the software.
Nozzle type Sensor Printer ? Basic The currently set nozzle type on the printer (hardened steel, etc). Note: This is what you SET on the printer.
The printer cannot detect it if you physically change the nozzle, but do not change it in the software.
Recording State, Timelapse State Sensor Printer ? Basic Is recording a full video of the print turned on? And same for if Timelapse is enabled for the print?
SD Card Sensor Printer ? Basic Is there an SD Card present?
Serial Number Sensor Printer ? Basic Provided/Configured Serial Number
Series Sensor Printer ? Basic Is the printer an X1, P1 or A1 series?
Settings Sensor Printer ? Basic In the attributes are miscellaneous print settings and states (such as sensitivity, spaghetti detection etc)
SSDP Model Sensor Printer ? Basic The model provided by SSDP
Upgrade State Sensor Printer ? Basic Status of a firmware upgrade or if one is available
Upload Sensor Printer ? Basic Status and misc metadata of uploading file to the printer for a print
Wifi Signal Sensor Printer ? Basic
Work Light Sensor Printer ? Basic Someone please tell me wtf this actually is
Arbitrary GCode Control InputText and Button Printer Basic Send arbitrary gcode commands to the printer via input text and send button. Requires manual flow change to enable.
**For Each AMS attached to a printer**
AMS Status Sensor AMS ? Basic
Humidity Level Sensor AMS ? Basic The bambu-provided humidity level (1-5)
Raw Humidity % Sensor AMS Requires Old Firmware Requires Old Firmware ? Basic No longer exists in MQTT
Hardware Version Sensor AMS ? Basic
Id Sensor AMS ? Basic The Id number of the AMS in relation to its printer (0 indexed)
Serial Number Sensor AMS ? Basic The Serial Number of the AMS unit
Printer Serial, Printer Name Sensor AMS ? Basic The serial number of the attached printer, and its configured name
Software Version Sensor AMS ? Basic
Temperature Sensor AMS ? Basic
Tray # (for each tray) Sensor AMS ? Basic The currently loaded filament type. Inside the attributes is the colour and all other settings. Same for external spool btw.
Uptime Sensor Printer Basic Uptime of the NodeRed connection/integration to the printer
**Advanced statistics and data storage**
Print Cost (Total Material) Data ? Advanced Postgres, Grafana
Print Weight (Total g) Data ? Advanced Postgres, Grafana
Print Metadata Data ? Advanced Postgres, Grafana
Print Cost Per Filament Used Data ? Advanced Postgres, Grafana
Print Weight Per Filament Used Data ? Advanced Postgres, Grafana
All Filaments used in Print Data ? Advanced Postgres, Grafana
Print Durations Data ? Advanced Postgres, Grafana
Print Status Tracking Data ? Advanced Postgres, Grafana
Print Name Tracking Data ? Advanced Postgres, Grafana
Print Plate Tracking Data ? Advanced
Printed Material Hours HA Sensor Data Advanced
Printed Material Amount HA Sensor Data Advanced
Print KwH Tracking Data ? Advanced Requires a metering smart plug
Print Electric Cost Tracking Data ? Advanced Requires a metering smart plug + a sensor that has your electric rate in terms of CENTS PER KWH
(cents as a WHOLE number, like 12.50 cents per kwh is 0.1250 dollars per kwh, use 12.50)
Total Print Cost (electric + material) Calculated ? Advanced Grafana dashboards
Historic Print Tracking Data ? Advanced Postgres, Grafana dashboards
X1Plus Firmware Update OTA Update Printer X1Plus Flow OTA firmware updates for X1Plus
X1Plus Firmware Version Sensor Printer X1Plus Flow
OEM Firmware Version Sensor Printer X1Plus Flow
Toggle X1Plus OTA Switch Printer X1Plus Flow
Toggle X1Plus VNC Switch Printer X1Plus Flow
X1Plus Firmware Update Check Button Printer X1Plus Flow Check if an X1Plus firmware update is available
Automate Air Filtration/BentoBox Blueprint Basic Needs fan or switch entity in HA
Send Notification on Print End Blueprint Basic HA, Phone, Alexa, Custom Actions
Send Notification on Print Error Blueprint Basic HA, Phone, Alexa, Custom Actions